Saturday, November 18, 2017


What is considered to be communication? Communication can be verbal or non verbal. It can happen face to face or through technology. Words and tones play a big part in communication. Without these miscommunication can happen. I think we have all had times where something was miscommunication because we were texting and couldn't hear the tone in their voice. We then create a problem that shouldn't have been there in the first place. This happens more often than it should. It's important to be transparent when trying to communicate. There are often times someone isn't clear with the signals they are giving off. They say something, but then their tone or body language isn't adding up. It's important to know how to put words, tones, and body language all together to give off the right message so it isn't confusing. This is especially important when it comes to dating, marriage, and family. Life isn't always going to be perfect and not everyone has the same opinions. Even when you are dating or get married, you still love the person you are with, but times will come when you don't always see eye to eye or when you need to have open, clear,  honest conversations. Communication is a huge part in a healthy marriage. It's almost safe to say that when communication stops or isn't transparent anymore problems seem to arise. Being transparent doesn't mean you always have to be negative either. I've had people who thought they were being transparent with me, but in reality they were just being very hurtful. It wasn't a conversation that helped solve anything, it actually made it a lot worse, because by then I was too hurt to do anything. Being transparent is a skill that we all need to work on. Its a way to be honest, but not hurtful. I think sometimes people think they have the right to say whatever they want when they want. Truthfully there are some things that don't even have to be said at all. There are ticky tac things that we are bothered by because we allow it to bother us. For example I had someone pick me apart for the way I brushed my hair. The simplest things and she proceeded to tell me all the small things she hated that I did. So some people need to learn to be transparent, but also tactful. There are also problems with communication when emotions are running high. Sometimes when we are angry we say things, do things, and think things that we normally don't say, do, or think. This can be harmful in an relationship if we are not careful when we are upset. Some people deal with anger and frustration in different ways. It's important to figure out how each person deals with it when you are dating, so that by the time you are married you have a good idea of how to deal with that situation when it appears. Do they need to talk about it right away, or do they need a few seconds to cool down by themselves. Figuring out how to deal with each others emotions can greatly impact you communication and relationship. It's also important to be weary of corrupt communication and conversation. This is important in a family relation and in the home. Corrupt communication can come in forms of gossip, rumor, twisting of the words and other things. It's important to protect our family of these things. Corrupt communication in a marriage can be extremely hurtful because we know our spouse better than anyone else and we know how to also hurt each other better than anyone else. We have to be extremely careful to keep corrupt communication out of our marriages and homes.
The last thing I want to mention is have an open family counsel. This can be beneficial when there is a problem that needs to be addressed. It also gives everyone an opportunity to have an opinion and be involved in the family. Just remember to communicate in a loving way because communication can either make or break a relationship. Until next week!

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