Saturday, November 4, 2017

Intimacy in Marriage

Why is intimacy in marriage so important? There are many reasons why intimacy in marriage is important. Although I am not married I have been able to learn a lot about why this part of marriage is so crucial in the development of a marriage. A very important reason is the fact that intimacy builds trust within a relationship. Participating in intimate relations allows the couple to connect in a very personal and trusting way that should only be done within the bonds of marriage. This reminds me a lot of Adam and Eve and the trust and love that they had for each other, such trust and love comes partially from intimate interaction with each other. Marriage is one of the most important decisions that we can make here upon this earth. As we seek eternal progression finding a spouse to spend eternity with is one of the major steps in this progress. Marriage allows us to be sealed for all time and eternity and allows us to create families which is fulfilling our Heavenly Fathers plan. I am so very grateful to know and be apart of this plan and I look forward to the day when I find a worthy young man that I can spend eternity with and create a family. Unfortunately the world has a different view of marriage and the intimate relations that are set solely for those tied together by marriage. You can see now there are many problems that can arise in a marriage. One of those problems is pornography. Pornography gives a false idea of how sex should be, whether outside or inside marriage. There are many reasons why pornography is damaging to a marriage and one of those reasons is that it's a selfish act. One reason why a person might view pornography is to receive that sexual gratification for themselves. Having a healthy sexual relationship with your spouse requires both of them to be selfless. Males and females were built so differently. If we were all the same it wouldn't require anyone to be selfless. If this was the case martial intimacy wouldn't accomplish much in the terms of building love and trust with one another. Being sexual with someone is a very  vulnerable process. This is also why pornography can hurt a marriage because it ruins that trust that took so long to build up. People could develop insecurities and wondering if they will ever measure up to expectations that are impossible to reach. This is also why its important to have an open communication about sex with your spouse. If you can have an open communication about this you can have an open communication about anything. If someone is uncomfortable or not working you, let your spouse know in a loving way. If you never talk about it, they will never know and they won't know they need to change something. Like I mentioned before men and women are different and what works for your spouse might not work for you.
If being intimate in a marriage is important, why would it be harmful outside of marriage. These connections that are made and the emotions that come with being sexual with someone are really powerful. Some individuals might not be prepared for all of those emotions. It makes it even more complicated when the relationship doesn't have a for sure commitment level as a marriage and it might not be a certain that they will end up together. It's a scary thing to realize that your partner has had those same connections with other partners and so forth. It also turns from a selfless thing to more of a selfish thing and more emotion than a young person can handle.
Once again this is something that is essential to your marriage. Remember to love and be open with your spouse. Until next week.

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